Aqua Decor

Posted by on Jul 31, 2009 in Free Themes | 9 comments

Latest Version: 1.00
Added on: 2015/04/30

Here, I brought to you an aquarium theme with the 3-D look.

Due to the design limitation, you can’t change the blog title and description in the admin section. You need to download the header PSD file and change the info to your own one. For the details of changing it, please refer to the section “Blog Title and Description” below.

Aqua Decor WordPress Theme
Click on the “Free Download” link above to get the theme now!
By using this theme for FREE, you agree to accept the external links.

Add to Cart
Gain access to the fully layered Photoshop file for quick and easy tweakage. PSD files included for both the main and the sub themes.
Add to CartAd-Free Package
Removing the credit links will make the theme to not function properly. Unencrypted main and sub theme files can be purchased at $20.
Theme Customization
Do you want to customize this theme to include images that suit your blog's topic? I can help you with the graphical customization. For more details, please visit the theme customization service page.

Main Features
– Different design for sticky post feature
– Compatible with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
– W3C XHTML and CSS compliant
– SEO ready
– Gravatar enable

Blog Title and Description
The demo is showing a special font as below:

By default, after you install the theme, the blog title and description are not showing.

You can change the font style by following this instruction:
– Download this PSD zip file (also include the font that I use that is available free from
– Extract and open the PSD file in the Photoshop program
– Add the title and description using your desired font
– Save the image using this name: bg_header_new.jpg
– Upload the image to your server in the /images folder

View all my themes

Change log
2009-07-30 v1.00 – Release


  1. Oh wow, this one’s depth is really amazing. Feel like I could just go sit in one of the chairs.

    • Completely agree. And the feed on floor is cool too.

  2. I downloaded the Aqua Decor template and tried to use it’s skin on my blogsite, with no success. The XML file for this template is not available and as I understand, this is a must. Please indicate if I am missing something here.

    • @Kiran, you are referring to the Blogsport version of this theme. This site only offers WordPress themes. Someone has to convert this theme to Blogspot before you can use it in the Blogger platform.

  3. Hey guy, god job.I like almost all of your theme.

  4. Hi,

    I’m Brazilian and I all my blogs are from your designe and I’ve just found it out when I choosed Acqua-Decor for a new one and I couldn’t use it, cause it does not come ready for Blogger.

    You’re an amazing artist and I love all your themes. Could you help me to use Acqua Decor as template to my new Blog?

    My email is:

    My Blog working with your themes are:

    Tks ,


    • @SoniaSSRJ, thanks for using my themes. For your questions, please refer to

      This site only deals with WordPress related issues.

  5. Beautiful!
    I would like to use this on one of my old domains. Please tell me what style pertains to the font size within the article body. Will I be able to locate it easily within the style sheet? I love the entire thing except for font size in the content. Can you help me out so I dont have to alter too many things before hitting the mark?

    Thanks, I’m grabbing this and hope it is compatible with my version – fresh updated install coming in December, not on my JoyGoRound site – but a different project.


    Karen Jones @ JoyGoRound

    PS, I cant see how to subsribe to my posts on here…. ?

    • @K Jones, for theme related support, please post your question in the forum and I’ll address it there. Thanks.


  1. 两款wordpress主题:Girly Nature和Aqua Decor | 水--岩之源 - [...] Aura Decor 原文地址: 作者说明的翻译: 现在向您推荐一款3D样式的水族馆主题。 [...]
  2. Brain的几款漂亮主题 » One PC, One PPC, One Life - [...] 1.Aqua Decor [...]

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