Beach Holiday

Posted by on Sep 11, 2008 in Free Themes | 100 comments

Latest Version: 2.00
Updated on: 2015/05/29

Immerse your visitors in a breathtaking Beach Holiday theme.

Beach Holiday WordPress Theme
Click on the “Free Download” link above to get the theme now!
By using this theme for FREE, you agree to accept the external links.

Add to Cart
Gain access to the fully layered Photoshop file for quick and easy tweakage. PSD files included for both the main and the sub themes.
Add to CartAd-Free Package
Removing the credit links will make the theme to not function properly. Unencrypted main and sub theme files can be purchased at $20.
Theme Customization
Do you want to customize this theme to include images that suit your blog's topic? I can help you with the graphical customization. For more details, please visit the theme customization service page.

The following is an example of a custom design of the Beach Holiday theme.

Main Features
– Free forum support at Beach Holiday forum
– Nice graphics in the header and footer
– Best viewed with a resolution of 1280px. Viewed with 1600px resolution is also nice
– User-friendly Options page
– Drop-Down Menu
– Automatic Thumbnails
– Different design for sticky post feature
– Compatible with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
– W3C XHTML and CSS compliant
– SEO ready
– Gravatar enable

Automatic Thumbnails
Please refer to this page for the details of how the automatic thumbnails work.

Drop-down Menu
The Beach Holiday theme has a multi-level drop-down menu. The drop-down menu will show up automatically in the header navigation when you create hierarchical pages.

There is a featured content section below the header link. This feature is built in using the Featured Content Gallery (FCG) plugin. Please download the latest version and follow the instruction found in “Readme.txt” to do the setup.

If you do not want to show this feature, just don’t install the plugin.

Blog Title and Description
The demo is showing a special font as below:

By default, after you install the theme, the blog title and description are showing the Time News Roman font.

You can change the font style by following this instruction:
Part 1: Modifying Font Style
– Download this PSD zip file
– Extract and open the PSD file in the Photoshop/ImageReady/Gimp/PaintShop program
– Change the title and description using your desired font (you are free to modify the header image if you want)
– Save the image using this name: bg_header.jpg
– Upload the image to your server in the “/styles/default/” folder

Part 2: Activating the Style
– Login to your WP admin
– Go to the options page of the Beach Holiday theme under “Appearance -> Beach Holiday”
– Find “Theme Style” under “Layout Setting”
– In the pull-down menu, select “default.css”
– Save the setting and go to your site to see the changes.

Ad Widget
An ad widget can be found under the “Available Widgets” section. You can drag the widget to Sidebar 1. This widget allows you to add your advertisement while keeping the sidebar design. Please limit the width of your ad to 200px.

User Showcase
The followings are a few examples of nice modification of this theme from other users. You can view all the nice design in the forum theme showcase.

View my other themes

Change log
2008-09-20 V1.00 – Release
2008-11-04 V1.01 – Fixed several bugs like reversed page menu order and image overlapping problem.
2008-12-21 V1.10 – Comment section support paging and threading (WordPress 2.7 feature)
– Exclude the pages in menu if you set it in widgets.
2009-07-14 – Theme is compatible with WP 2.8
2010-04-25 – V2.00 – Added drop-down menu, ad-widget, Options page that includes Twitter and feed integration, advanced automatic thumbnails, custom style and more.


  1. really nice bg.
    wow…. it makes me feel relax.

    i need to go to the beach!

  2. Love the theme – BUT just one problem – the top menu displays the items in REVERSE page ID order! Tried to edit the header file but can’t for the life of me see how its doing it!

  3. Andy, you can edit header.php, find

    <div id="menu"><ul><? echo menu_separator(wp_list_pages(‘echo=0&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=desc&depth=1&title_li=’)); ?></ul></div>

    and replace with

    <div id="menu"><ul><? echo menu_separator(wp_list_pages("echo=0&sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=desc&depth=1&title_li=")); ?></ul></div>

    just add “&sort_order=desc” into it.

  4. Yes, figured that out myself too after a crash course in PHP! Thanks again, love the theme and it suits my site perfectly!

  5. This theme is perfect for a new website I’m constructing, but I’d like to alter the header to make it more location specific.

    Is there a way I can change the image easily – (do you have a photoshop layout available?).

    Appreciate the excellent quality themes you have available. I’ve used the ‘photo frame’ one already!


  6. You can get the photoshop file at a cost of $30. Please send the payment to my Paypal via wpsubmit (at) templatelite (dot) com

  7. I’m having trouble installing this theme. I recently installed WordPress 2.6.2. I unzipped the file to wp-content/themes. In the design tab of wordpress, I chose the Beach Holiday theme (the screenshot image was not displaying correctly). I then activated the Beach Theme theme and when previewing it… it looks like its not finding the stylesheet (or images) correctly… just plain html. Any ideas? Thanks!

  8. Brendon, I see that you have got Beach Holiday installed successfully 🙂

  9. Nice looking theme! I like the message in the bottle look.

  10. I am having the same problem Brendon is having with this theme. I installed WordPress 2.6.3, copied the “beach-holiday” folder over to my server in the theme folder. Logged in and tried to activate it. The theme thumbnail is showing along with the name and info. But when I click on it, it pops up a blank window with “Activate at top…” I clicked on that and everything went blank. Nothing worked so I had to reinstall WP again.

    Odd thing is, your “photo-frame” theme does work. I am wondering if your beach theme is incompatible with wp 2.6.2…??? I wish Brendon would post what he did to get this to work.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

  11. Mike, I’ll release a new version 1.01 in the next 2 days to resolve this issue. Please check back this site again.

  12. Brian, Thanks for the updated version of this theme. Everything works great!

  13. I like the theme but i came to one issue:
    When i search for a word (in the bottle) the results do not contain the ‘more…’ option. So you have to click on the header of the resulting message to display the whole message. Seems a problem with the “the_excerpt()” function ?? in the “index.php”. I do not have much php knowledge so please help me. i am using the 2008-09-20 V1.00 version of the theme.

    When you start the preview on the top of this actual page (beach holiday) you see what i mean.

    Great theme !

    Gerrie (Netherlands)

  14. eeeh.. i ment that i am using the V1.01 version !


  15. Gerrie, your problem is similar to one of our other theme users. Please refer to this post for details:

  16. Thanks Brian,

    For the time beeing this is fine, but what i wanted was a short description from the message (a few rules) and then a ‘read more…’ permalink to the whole message. Now the whole message appears in the search results. In the default template form WP you can see what i mean.

    But i really like to thank you for this answer because my visitors are not that smart to click on the header 😉


  17. Gerrie, you can try this:

    <div class="entry">
    	<?php if (is_search()){
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Read <?php the_title(); ?>">read more ...</a>

    But remember, all the search results will show “read more” no matter how long it is. Hope this is what you want 😀

  18. YES ! This is what i want !

    Thank you very much for your GREAT support,


  19. hmmm, new challenge:

    I want to display my comments in reverse order (Latest comment first, oldest last) so i installed & activated the plugin and edited the single.php. Unfortunately nothings happens…



  20. Update:
    When i use the Maple Leaf theme the comments appear in reverse order. So i guess a mistake in in the single.php of the Beach theme.


  21. Hi,

    I loved this theme for my new Cayman Islands blog but have encountered a problem when viewing in the latest version of IE the post text has shrunk and is virtually unreadable. It’s fine in Firefox and I’ve not made any CSS changes.

    I’m using the latest version of both WP and the theme.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  22. Hi again,

    Sorry, I have resolved my problem which was traced to a widget. All appears OK on IE now.

  23. Gerrie, the comment structure for the Beach Holiday and Maple Leaf theme are the same. Since it works in Maple Leaf, please check if you have changed any coding for the Beach Holiday.

    If you can’t make it work, I would suggest you wait for the next WordPress release 2.7 because that version will add a special feature in the comment section.

  24. Hi Brian,

    It’s brice again. I was waiting an answer from you after I posted a comment almost 2 weeks ago, that hasn’t even been approved. I don’t question that.. I don’t expect you to show the comment but would it be possible to just have an answer to my question please? I would appreciate if you could even tell me via email.

    as you apparently had a look at my blog today… I was wondering if it is possible to have different font sizes for pages and posts, or to modify the post/page header image to have a larger text to fit in it?
    I’m sorry if I bothered you or if my question is inappropriate, I just wanna know.. thanks

    Congratulations again for the theme by the way, it’s awesome!

  25. Brice, sorry, maybe your previous comment was filtered by spam filter, I just clicked delete all without checking…. 🙁

    Ok. Here’s a simple way to change the page title font size.

    Edit page.php, find

    <span class="posttitle">

    Change to

    <span class="posttitle" style="font-size:25px;">

    Then, change the font-size in style.css for posttitle to 17px, and the font size for the post title and page title will be different.

  26. Thank you for your great support Brian! that’s exactly what I was looking for…

    Thanks again

  27. I’m using the Beach Holiday theme with wordpress 2.6.5. Everything is great except it can’t find the pages I have created. Any suggestions?

  28. Tammy, may I take a look at your site?

  29. I was interested to Beach Holiday theme. But i have problem in the tag cloud, why it doesn’t function? I use wordpress 2.7, there are no options for this widget.

    My site

    • Azmi, I see that your tag cloud is working.

  30. The AWSOM News Announcement plugin is work under this theme? I installed the plugin and found it NOT displayed the News Announcement above my posts on the index page. Can you help to check the problem?

    • I haven’t checked if the Awsom News plugin works on this theme but it should have no problem since the coding of this theme is very basic.

      Please check the installation guide at

      • I found after the plug installed the news displayed in “Most Viewed” widget top instead.
        I try to install another similar plugin “Genki Announcement”, and have the same problem.

        If I change to wordpress default theme, these 2 plugins works correctly. Hope you can take a look into this problem.

        • It is “Recently Posts” widget, not “Most Viewed” , update.

        • Hi BigELK176,

          Having studied the “AWSOM News Announcement” and “Genki Announcement” plugin, I found out that they include the wordpress hook “loop_start”. The problem with this code is that the plugin will be placed in the wrong position if the sidebar (in which “recent posts” or any widgets that are using the loop function) is called before the content, e.g. left sidebar.

          So to use this kind of plugin, it is advisable that you insert the code into index.php manually.

          1. For AWSOM News Announcement, change to NO for “Enable News Announcement On Index Page above Posts …?”
          Then insert the code below into index.php, before if (have_posts()) :

          < ?php if (function_exists('display_my_news_announcement')) { display_my_news_announcement(0); } ?>

          2. For Genki Announcement, you should select the “Show where I insert the < ?php if(function_exists('genki_announcement')) { genki_announcement(); } ?> template function”
          Then insert the code below into index.php, before if (have_posts()) :
          < ?php if(function_exists('genki_announcement')) { genki_announcement(); } ?>

          Hope this helps.

  31. Hi, Brain,
    Thanks for you explanation, the problem is solved!

    BTW, it seems to insert the code below into index.php, should before ” < ?php if (have_posts()) ” , instead of “if (have_posts())” , right?

    • Hi, glad to see the problem is solved 🙂

      Yes, before <?php if (have_posts()), if the code you insert is enclosed with <?php ?>

  32. oh, this one is definately my favorite! I absolutely LOVE the star fish bullets!! hahah. So fun and playful!
    I just changed my layout (just days ago infact) I think I’m going to download this, and wait til closer to summer to lay it out. 😉 Thank you for your time and effort put into these great layouts!

  33. Hi, thank you for the awesome rockin’ theme! I am using it in my blog right now and it’s very refreshing and appropriate – the header image looks like the beaches here in Dubai!

    I encountered a problem, though. I see that the theme supports paging of the comments but when I click the other pages of the comments, it displays and error! Kindly check out my post with more than 100 comments..

  34. Hi,
    Thanks for this beautifull theme. I was searching everywhere for something tropical and found it here! Well done.

  35. Hi,
    I love your theme! I need help adjusting the main body width on a page. I have an Amazon astore that I am plugging in. The store has three columns (can’t change it). Only 2 1/2 columns show on my page. I tried chaning the width to ‘auto’ but that didn’t work. Can you please advise? Thanks so much

  36. I am using this theme on How do I get the left nav to work? Thanks,

    • Hi Rob,

      I found that all your links are dead that is not caused by the theme.

      Please go to wp-admin and display all plugins to see.

      If the links still do not work, please check your .htaccess and see if there are any problems.

  37. hello! Can you help me how to install this template in the blogger?
    Thank you!

    • This theme is not available in the Blogger platform yet.

  38. Great Theme! I ‘d like to change the theme in my website focused about an endurance’s mountain Bike contest in Sicily.
    So I ‘d prefer a header like Sicilian’s landscapes. I read that another friend had the same problem and you replied that you’d sent “Pothoshop files…” please could you explain how to use? It needs for dimensions and cutting of new file I could insert ad header? Please tellme more so I purchase this very nice theme!

    • Hi, you can purchase the PSD file of this theme at $50 ( Then you can modify the header of the PSD file to the design you like. When it is done, you need to cut the header into two portions and save them.
      header1.jpg (960x184px)
      header2.jpg (960x266px)

  39. Thank you for creating such an awesome theme! I just have one question…when I create a sub-category under a parent, it shows up as a parent category. Is there a fix for this? For example, I may have the main category as “Pizza” and a sub-category as “Pepperoni”, I would want to see it as this:

    – Pepperoni

    Thanks again so much! I truly love this theme. 🙂

    • Hi, you should tick “Show hierarchy” for Categories widget.

  40. Hi,
    I love this theme! I however can’t seem to get comments to appear on pages although in my wordpress 2.7.1 I have enable comments clicked on for pages. The comments work fine for my posts just not my pages. Can you help? Thank you 🙂

  41. I want to remove the search box and rss image – can you let me know how this can be done please.

    • The search box and the RSS image are combined with the background. The only way to remove it is to change the background (better modify using the PSD file) and modify some code.

  42. Hi Brian,

    Please advise how I can get hold of the PSD file. Thankyou

  43. Hi Brian,

    Payment sent, look forward to receiving the PSD file.


    • Thanks Lauren! The file has been sent to your email.

  44. Hello…I seem to be having a display issue with Internet Explorer 7. The articles show up fine and everything appears to work in the Firefox browser. However in IE, you can see the categories and when you go to click on the article, it shows the title and nothing else. Some of the other articles that do show up have this thing going on. All of these issues appear randomly and seem to have no common theme to them. Thank you in advance.

    • Also the left column runs into the footer…only in IE.

      • The “thing” seemed to have disappeared from my message…it’s an end-if statement.

    • Please send me your URL so I can go take a look.


        I wonder if it has anything to do with my changing categories of some of the articles??? That’s the only thing I can thing of that changed from the time of the original positing. Like I said, it seems to be random on when it gives the end-if jargon. Thanks so much! I really love this theme!

        • I went to your site and it is not using the Beach Holiday theme so there is no way I can trouble shoot your problem 🙁

  45. Hi! Great theme. I really like it. I can’t get anything but the calendar to show in the left sidebar though. I’d love to get the starfish bullets to show along with the recent post list and blogroll. Any suggestions? Thx!

    • Hi, did you try to add widget to it?

    • You can remove all widgets you added in the dashboard->themes->widgets. The default widgets in this theme will be displayed.
      Or you can add any widgets you like, but all the default widgets will be ignored.

      • dashboard->appearance->widgets.

        • Thanks Brian and flarefox! That worked. And thanks for not saying – geez what an idiot! 😀

        • Hehe, thanks Brian for the excellent themes.

  46. Hey Brian ~ thanks much for the awesome theme! I do have one weird issue that I’ve tried to resolve myself in vain. I can upload pictures to the gallery, but when I insert in post and/or pages, they never show up. But it says that they’re attached…you just can’t see them. Embedding video is no problem – it works fine. I’ve read every fix I can find (apparently a lot of ppl have been having this same issue) but the pics still won’t show up. I’ve tried in FF and IE, have tried browser and flash loaders, I deactivated plug-ins and nothing works. I’m sure this is probaby some very remedial fix but I need help getting there! Thanks again for sharing your great work, Brian – we appreciate it!


    • @Rebecca, please view source and search to see if the images url is in the post.

      If not, please change to the default theme and try again. If the images url is not found in the default theme, there might have issue with your setting.

      Please give me your url so I can go to your site and check.

  47. sry, I’m using WP2.7 🙂 thanks!


  48. Brian, Your “Beach Theme” is just what I was looking for. It’s the perfect theme for my Caribbean based site. My wife and I are retired Americans from Chicago now living permanently in Cancun, Mexico.
    I’m new to modiflying a theme template so please bear with me.
    Here is my problem. I use a wide angle point and shoot digital camera for my photography. These pictures are a big feature of my blog page. I started out using the “Classic” wordPress theme and it was fine except not in keeping with the look I wanted. The beach theme has created an issue. The main part that contains my photos and narrative is not wide enough for my wide angle pictures. It looks like I have plenty of room to it’s right side, but I don’t know how to change it’s width. Because it’s too narrow some of my pictures appear “squished”. If you could help, I would appreciate it very much.

    Perhaps I could also make a couple of suggestions for your consideration?

    1.After leaving a comment, could there be a button for the viewer to click that would take them back to where they were last?

    2. Could there be a more noticeable button to click clearly labeled “COMMENTS”.

    I received a few observations that my viewers couldn’t find the comment button, and that they could only get back to where they were by clicking the back button of the browser.

    Thank you so much for an excellent theme.

    Sending you warm Caribbean breezes,


    • @cancunTom, the big picture is squeezed because the image width is set to 100%. This is to ensure that the image won’t be cut off if the size is too big. To change the setting, you can modify style.css, delete the “max-width: 100%; ” in around line 22.

      1. I have tried to leave a comment in your blog but it stopped at and my comment is not submitted successfully. Is this the problem you face? Can you switch back to default theme to try the comment function?

      2. You can change the icon in /images/bubble.jpg to more a noticeable one. The size is 16px*16px

  49. brian, great theme thanks nice work. how can i get the WP opt in to work – it doesnt with this theme (makes it all look very odd) or do you have/sell your own opt in thank you

  50. brian, do you sell a mailing list widget or have one to recommend to use with this templete. I wrote before as my WP Opt-in was not working (make the templete go crazy!), but I realized what I am looking for is a way for people to sign up for a mailing list. Thank you.

    • @bard, can you give me the name and URL of the WP Opt-in you are using now? If it is free, I can download and install to test the problem you are facing.

      I haven’t tried out any mailing list widget so I am not sure if there is any good one out there.

  51. Hi, I just downloaded this theme today and I love it. However, I cannot get the date to show up on the little calendar next to the blog post. Can you tell me how to fix it?

    • @Brittany, are you using the Blogspot template? If so, please go to for support.

  52. In the change log it mentions that an updated drop down menu is coming soon. Is that still being worked on or has it been dropped? I can’t wait to get started customizing this theme for my client’s needs. I’ll probably do the credit removal option as well.

    Are there any other updates that may be applied soon to this theme as well? Just curious. Thanks!!!!

    • @Shawn, the drop down menu is in my to-do list. It is just that I have been so busy with the new themes that I have put it off for so long. I promise to work on the older themes when I have freed up my time. Sorry about it.

      • No problem! Just seeing if it was still on the list, heh. Keep up the good work!

  53. What and where would I add to the header.php file to get a “Home” link to appear on the nav bar? I’ve removed the blog title links as they didn’t work well with my header picture. I’ve tried a couple things I’ve found online, but it keeps messing up the site. Thanks in advance!!

    • @Shawn, for theme issues, please register an account in the forum and I’ll answer it there.

  54. Hi, I love this template…..very beautiful!
    Thank you!

    Best regards.

  55. Hi TemplateLite, I have some trouble with this template. I’m using it on a site with adsense but adsense is nog showing hostingcampaigns because off the words ‘hosting’ and ‘wordpress’ in the footer. Can you please change this problem by editing the code??

    Thank you and please sent me a mail when you did!

    • @Olivier, the links belong to the advertisers and I am sorry that I can’t change it. However, you can purchase the credit link removal package and I’ll send you the theme files without credit link.

  56. I am new at this. I will try to use this, however, quite unsure how to go about it. Wish me luck… 😉
    Love your templates. Beautifully illustrated. Thank you very much.

  57. Believe I have spotted a typo in the instructions above:

    “- Go to the options page of the Beach Holiday theme under “Appearance -> Texture Art””

    should read:

    “- Go to the options page of the Beach Holiday theme under “Appearance -> Beach Holiday””

    Additionally, I could not locate the “custom.css” on the dropdown, but I have more appropriately asked re: this in the forum. This is a lovely theme. My thanks as always!

    • @Eric, thanks for pointing it out! I just corrected it.

      And custom.css is no longer available for this theme. default.css is the file required to customize the theme.

      • Cool. But then I think ya gotta explain that they need to get into Appearance -> Editor and then edit style.css and uncomment line #108:

        /*background:url(‘images/bg_header.jpg’) no-repeat center top;*/ /* move to /styles/default/ */

        Otherwise they will be confused I think.

  58. Is it okay to remove the copyright and resell this theme?

    • @James, the theme images are copyrighted by Templatelite and you are not allowed to resell the theme.

  59. Hi
    May I know if all of your free versions can be used for commerical and non commercial purposes / for commercial and non commercial blogs?
    Thank you

    • All my free themes can be used in commercial and non-commercial blogs as long as the sites/blogs do no promote illegal activities.

  60. hello,

    THanks for this great template you’ve created! By the way, I have no problem installing this template but when the time I have to post a new article. There is no Post Thumbnail Button on the lower right of my post admin panel. Please take a look on my site. what should I do in order to see that button “Post Thumbnail” ? I already checked the thumbnail boxes in template admin area.


    • @Winston, please post your issue in the Beach Holiday forum and I’ll address it there. Please remember to specify the WordPress version you are using now.


  1. Beach Holiday - Nouice – Free wordpress themes & reviews - [...] Download the theme here [...]
  2. - Beach Holiday Wordpress theme by Templatelite... Main Features - Free forum support. - Nice graphics in the header and…

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