Ink Stain

Posted by on Aug 30, 2009 in Free Themes | 12 comments

Latest Version: 3.00
Added on: 2015/05/31

Stain can be dirty but if process with a bit of imagination, it could look artistic.

Here you can find a few types of ink stain such as smudged ink, dripped ink and sprayed ink. Hope you like the effect.

Ink Stain WordPress Theme
Click on the “Free Download” link above to get the theme now!
By using this theme for FREE, you agree to accept the external links.

Add to Cart
Gain access to the fully layered Photoshop file for quick and easy tweakage. PSD files included for both the main and the sub themes.
Add to CartAd-Free Package
Removing the credit links will make the theme to not function properly. Unencrypted main and sub theme files can be purchased at $20.
Theme Customization
Do you want to customize this theme to include images that suit your blog's topic? I can help you with the graphical customization. For more details, please visit the theme customization service page.

The following is an example of a custom design of the Ink Stain theme.

Main Features
– Different design for sticky post feature
– User-friendly Options page
– Custom Header Menu
– Automatic Thumbnails
– Different design for sticky post feature
– Compatible with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
– W3C XHTML and CSS compliant
– SEO ready
– Gravatar enable

Translation Help Needed

This is my first theme that allows localization. If you wish to translate this theme into your own language, you can do so with the use of the Poedit program. To find out how this works, please refer to this comprehensive guide.

When you have completed the localization, kindly send me the translated files so I can share your work (with your credit) with other users.

Automatic Thumbnails
Please refer to this page for the details of how the automatic thumbnails work.

Drop-down Menu
The Ink Stain theme has a multi-level drop-down menu that is using the latest function in WP 3.0. There are two ways to create the drop-down menu.
1) When you create hierarchical pages, the drop-down menu will show up automatically in the header navigation.

2) You can manually define the header links using the custom menu. To do it, first, click on the “Menus” link found under the “Appearance” tab in WP admin. Then follow the instruction on the page to add your custom menu. This feature only works with WP 3+.

There is a featured content section below the header menu. This feature is built in using the Featured Content Gallery (FCG) plugin. Please download the latest version and follow the instruction found in “Readme.txt” to do the setup.

If you do not want to show this feature, just don’t install the plugin.

Blog Title and Description
The demo is showing a special font as below:

By default, after you install the theme, the blog title and description are showing the Arial font.

You can change the font style by following this instruction:
Part 1: Modifying the Font Style
– Download this font PSD zip file (also include the font that I use)
– Extract and open the PSD file in the Photoshop/ImageReady/GIMP/PaintShop program
– Change the title and description using your desired font (you are free to modify the header image if you want)
– Save the image using this name: bg_header.jpg
– Upload the image to your server in the /styles/default/ folder

Part 2: Activating the Style
– Login to your WP admin
– Go to the options page of the Ink Stain theme under “Appearance -> Ink Stain”
– Find “Theme Style” under “Layout Setting”
– In the pull-down menu, select “default.css”
– Save the setting and go to your site to see the changes.

View all my themes

Change log
2009-08-30 v1.00 – Released
2010-08-31 v3.00 – Added drop-down menu, ad-widget, Options page, advanced automatic thumbnails, custom style. Added custom header menu (works on WP 3+ onwards).


  1. The lay-out I downloaded wasn’t the one which is previewed here.
    It was “letter-frame”.

  2. are you sure you uploading rite themes ? coz when i download it, it’s say letter frame not Ink Stain.

    • @danang @Ioni, I am sorry that the wrong file was uploaded 🙁 it is fixed now

  3. I soooo love your themes, right now I use your Watercolor.

    If I could have a wish for future themes, I would love a theme in turquoise, summer green and bright pink. Thats my favorite color for the season. Looked all over the net but there is non!
    The pics on this Swedish sites you can see what color theme I talk about.

    I think it is a superb idé, cause there’s nothing like it out there.

    • @Lorei, thanks for the suggestion. I’ll look into your idea and decide if something like that would be a hit 🙂

  4. Yay, I’ve been waiting for this theme for a long time!!!! Thank You very very much!

  5. Very nice theme mate keep it going

  6. hi! great theme as usual! I would like to use it because of the cool colors. But I prefer two-column themes… I hope you’ll have a version of this in two-columns. 😀

    • @joane, I am sorry that I don’t have a two-column version of this theme.

  7. I love all your templates. no wonder urs has been converted to blogger templates. I really2 love this inkstain.. i wish there will be in blogger version of it. good job! keep it up.

  8. Thanks for this theme. Your themes have great quality.

    Could you please tell me what your Twitter plugin is? Love the little bird.
    Is it available?


    • @Pamela, which Twitter plugin and the little bird are you talking about?


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