My latest theme, Letter Frame is one of my favorites and I am honor to get it released on
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If you are looking for innovative and new ideas for your web design and development projects, sixrevisions must be at the top of your must-see sites. With the fast paced changes that occur in the field of Web design and development, this blog comes at a very opportune time to help professional keep up with the demands of the industry. You can find useful references and articles that cover the basics about web building, the standard techniques and approaches to Web design, blogging, usability, Web 2.0, AJAX, Adobe, information architecture and a lot, lot more.
This blog is also the perfect site for both the newbies and the advanced professionals covering Photoshop techniques, CSS and HTML, concepts relating to website layout and navigation, icon designs and templates, etc.
I love the theme, i will use it.
Hi, I started a new blog and I chose this theme (Letter Frame) and I wanted to say how much I am enjoying it – I love the overall look and the color palette is just wonderful … very good job!
I have a question but I’ll look around before I ask it – if I cannot find an answer then I’ll return.
Hi, me again. I need a little help. Some of the widgets I want to add to my sidebar(s) are 200px and over but my sidebars are only 160px. I tried changing the size in ‘Edit Template’ but the color-block for the sidebar did not shift – can you help me? Thanks in advance.
@Yasmin, I am sorry that the sidebar width is fix and it is not possible to change it.
Ok .. thanks for responding
good job…. btw how to download it?
upz… i’ve got it.