What Emoticons can I use?

Posted by on Oct 21, 2008 in Wordpress and Blogging Tips | 0 comments

To use the following emoticons, you need to first enable it in the admin following the steps below:

Settings -> Writing -> Formatting

Tick this box:
Convert emoticons like  🙂 and  😛 to graphics on display

😐  😐 :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
 ➡ 😈  😈
😯  😯 🙂  🙂
😕  😕 😎  😎
👿  👿 😀  😀
💡  💡 😳  😳
😛  😛 🙄  🙄
😉  😉 😥  😥
😮  😮 😆  😆
😡  😡 🙁  🙁
😎  😎 😯  😯
🙁  🙁 🙂  🙂
😕  😕 😀  😀
😛  😛 😮  😮
😡  😡 😐  😐
😉  😉 8)  8)
😯  😯 😮  😮
😡  😡 😐  😐
😉  😉  ❗

This article is originally written by Brian L. You are free to redistribute this article but please link back to this page with this title: What Emoticons can I use?

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