4 Tips to Maximize your Blog’s Subscribers

Posted by on Feb 19, 2009 in Wordpress and Blogging Tips | 1 comment

Blogging is one of the new innovations of the Internet world. It is the new instrument or method for the general online population to convey their thoughts, ideas, products and services to the community at large.

Blogging, interestingly can be viewed in the same mould as cake baking. When the cake tastes good but is not attractive – smudged, no fancy decorations and designs, the cake will inadversely be passed off. Without the physical attraction of the cake, no one would know that the cake tastes good. The design of a blog can be viewed the same way. Without a good design, the visitors and subscribers will be kept at a minimal level.

Below are some handy tips to maximize your blog subscribers:

Make it short and simple
This is one of the best ways on how you can capture readers’ attention. Write descriptive headings for your blog post. Your content should be relevant and very timely. When posting articles, it should be within 1000 words because the more text you enter, it is possible that your visitors will be turned off. The keywords should be relevant and more usable to what is being conveyed to the readers.

Comments and Suggestions should be encouraged
A well written blog or post requires comments or suggestion as this will help to maximize the visitors. They will be interested in subscribing to your blog if it is an interactive blog that they can interact with you. Suggestions from the readers are also important because you will be able to connect with them and they can share their ideas and opinions about your blog. 

Catch readers’ attention
When you post topics on your blog it is important that you create a catchy topic. It is akin having a conversation with a friend. Use only simple and understandable language so that the readers will not be bored reading when they find words that are alien to them. Do not use jargons or big, deep words.

Build rapport with your readers
You must create a rapport or build trust with your readers. For example, if the readers leave comments on your blog, it is important that you reply them. By doing so, you are creating an online community. This is important to maintain and maximize subscribers to the blog.

These are among some of the tips that you should bear in mind when you want to increase the number of your subscribers and visitors. There are hundreds and thousands of blogs that are born all over the world everyday. The most important thing is that you must make a difference and show your readers that they are important. Constructive criticisms and feedbacks should be welcomed with opened arms. Use it to correct the flaws on the blog. With all these mentioned, you will be on your way to maximizing your blog subscribers.

One Comment

  1. I LIKE IT MUCH To maximizing your blog subscribers.


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