Latest Version: 1.01
Updated on: 2015/05/26
The graphic design of the Wooden Fence theme is one of the first design when I started creating the WordPress themes 7 months ago. At that time, I hadn’t had sufficient skill to transform it into a WordPress theme because I had problem matching the wooden fence seamlessly on all major browsers.
When I look back on this design 2 weeks ago, I found out it isn’t as hard to code as I thought few months ago. Then I get down to finishing it and here it comes 🙂

By using this theme for FREE, you agree to accept the external links.
The following is an example of a custom design of this theme.
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Main Features
– Different design for sticky post feature
– Upload your own 3 photo frame images
– Compatible with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
– W3C XHTML and CSS compliant
– SEO ready
– Gravatar enable
– Due to the design constraint, this theme have no page menu. Instead, the page link can be found in the sidebar.
– You can download the PSD zip file below to customize the 3 header images with your own pictures. The PSD file also allows you to change your blog title and tagline.
Blog Title and Description
The demo is showing a special font as below:
By default, after you install the theme, the blog title and description are showing the Arial font.
You can change the font style by following this instruction:
– Download this PSD zip file (also include the font that I use that is available free from
– Extract and open the PSD file in the Photoshop program
– Add the title and description using your desired font
– Save the image using this name: bg_header_new.jpg
– Upload the image to your server in the /images folder
User Showcase
The followings are a few examples of nice modification of this theme from other users. You can view all the nice design in the forum theme showcase.
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Change log
2009-05-06 v1.00 – Release
2009-07-14 – Theme is compatible with WP 2.8
2009-11-25 v1.01 – Remove extra spacing for page > 1 if permalink is using the default structure
- Review - Wooden Fence By TemplateLite - [...] Fence is a three column theme compatible with WordPress 2.7 released by on May 6th, 2009. This theme…
- Brain的几款漂亮主题 » One PC, One PPC, One Life - [...] 3.Wooden Fence 这款主题仿佛让我回到了童年。。。很天真烂漫。 [...]
- 26 Great New Free Wordpress Themes Released in May » salvaxp1's blog - [...] More Info [...]
- Wooden Fence | Freeminders - [...] del Theme – Descargar el Theme Rate this theme: (No Ratings [...]
Awesome Template like you always doing i added it to my themes directory keep the good work coming
I just came by and saw you released your new wooden fence theme!!! WOW another amazing beautiful theme! You are truly gifted in creating these themes not only to be beautiful but also compliant and fast loading. THANK YoU!!!!!! 🙂
My wife was waiting for this theme since the themes I always picked she didnt like. She loves this one for our family blog. Great work!!!!
One question if anyone can answer. If you go to my page, it says The Hancock Family twice. Once was from the text that I changed in the photoshop files and then the other I am not sure where it is coming from. Any ideas where to get rid of the other text?? I am still learning how to maneuver around all the backend files for the themes and stuff.
Thank you for the help. If anyone knows, shoot me an email at
Hi Steve, I only see “The Hancock Family” once. Where is the other one you mentioned?
Hi Brian, I need your help. I write you from Colombia. Why replace the 3 images in a Wooden Fence template? This act need pay?
@Jorge, you can keep the 3 images if you do not want to customize with your own one. And you are free to customize it yourself without payment.
I cannot for the life of me figure out where to upload my pictures so that they will show up on the header. I’m sure it’s something simple that I am missing! HELP! I LOVE this theme!
You need a bit of Photoshop skill to replace the 3 images in the photo frame with your own one. Resizing, cropping, rotating and moving techniques are required to implement the change. I see that you have successfully modified the header. Nice photos!
Thank you! It’s an awesome theme!
Brian, it`s me Jorge, I don`t understand easy the process to cuztomize my wooden fence template… please explain me how I put a tree photos in a template…
@jorge, are you familiar with the Photoshop program? If not, it is better that I customize it for you.
It is amazing you can create such pretty and useful themes…regularly!!
I was planning to purchase some paid themes, then I found you site and decided that your themes are just as good as those paid ones.
Parse error: parse error in J:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\wooden-fence\index.php on line 69
Please remove the 2 blank lines at the bottom of index.php and upload the theme again. If the problem still occurs, please check your WordPress version. Make sure you are using WordPress 2.7+.
Hi ,
I’ve removed the blank line
my wordpress version is 2.7.1
all plugins disabled
but the same problem
Parse error: parse error in J:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\wooden-fence\index.php on line 67
sorry I can’t figure out what your problem is.I have found the error. It is caused by the php short tags. I have updated the theme, please download again.
You broke the RULE!! Congrats for such beautiful themes!
I am doing some wordpress theme search and came by and saw your wooden fence theme!!! A beautiful theme indeed! Thank you for sharing!
However I have one problem, I am not able to get some of the Widgets added in the sidebar. Can you be kind enough to advice me how to do so?
Thanks once again!
Hi, all my themes are supported widgets. Can you give me more information about the widgets that you are unable to use?
can this theme be used in blogspot?
This theme is not available in blogspot yet.
Brian—> they just keep getting better and better. It’s so stinking exciting to come and see what you’re cooking up next. We’ve been using the Photo Frame theme for awhile now, and it’s given us just what we needed. I’ll be using this theme and others for some friends I’m setting up. Great work!! and Thank you for your time and efforts to the community.. To others using his themes…DONATE — Brian does a GREAT JOB and has always been ever so helpful!
Thanks for supporting my themes all the while. I really appreciate it!
Talking about the donation, I only got less than $100 a month. This makes me think about whether to cancel the donation and start charging people to use my theme. I am thinking a lot about the future of this site and ways to sustain it. Please keep coming back to this site for new update 🙂
OMG, pretty! Thank you very much! I’ve just used it on my new blog! Now, onto the contents. 🙂
Hi! Thanks for a great theme again! Keep it going!
This is the second time I used one of your themes since I migrated to wordpress (I’m still undergoing some migration stuffs)…
I just noticed some bug (I’m not sure if it’s a bug). Hopefully you can judge if it is and point to me if I did something wrong.
If you go to my homepage, you can find the “stuffs” on the sidebar, rightmost-bottom part. This is the list for the links. Currently, there’s only sitemeter in it. If you click any one of the categories, labeled as “a glimpse of everything!”, the page transfers to the archive for that category. After that, the links/”stuffs” are gone. I wonder why…
Thanks a bunch in advance! 🙂
Hi, do you mean that you are not using widgets but just want to modify sidebar.php? If so, please note that your “stuffs” should not be within
<?php if ( is_home() || is_page() ) { /* If this is the frontpage */
Hello Brian,
Thank you very much for replying to my inquiry.
I found a solution, I think I’m adding widgets in a really primitive way (forgive me, I’m a newbie at wordpress). I edit the sidebar.php most of the time… instead of just adding these widgets in the dashboard’s Appearance -> Widgets. It took me ten years to find that Widgets settings screen.
Anyway I have a new inquiry coming up… Thanks again!
Hi Brian,
Can u show me how to upload this theme to my website ?
I Love it.
I have installed wordpress version is 2.7.1.
But i don’t know how to change theme in to wooden-fence theme.
I’m newbie in administrate website. Thx a lot for ur help.
Hi Rhea, I saw that you have already installed the theme successfully. The baby is yours? So cute 🙂
Hi Brian..
Yeah.. I tried to solve myself while waiting for your answer…
But step by step n’ after think hard.. then i find it.. so I have already installed the theme successfully. I’m very happy ^_^ for that.
Btw, Yes the little girl is my baby. I changed the pic before i installed the theme.
And now i onto focus for the site.
thanks again for ur theme. I’ts very helpful.
wish u always success for ur life.
Btw, I’m sorry for my english, coz i can’t speak english very well :”>.
I would like to ask how to enable the excerpts functionality? The instructions in this page,, seem a little confusing… Thanks again!
Hi, this is the codesnip in index.php of most of my themes:
My themes will show the excerpts for the search results. According to the WordPress codex, “If you do not provide an explicit excerpt to a post (in the post editor’s optional excerpt field), it will display a teaser which refers to the first 55 words of the post’s content.”
Thank you! It’s an awesome theme!
Hiii Brian.. I soo totally love this theme.. Pllzzz help me out to upload this for my blog 🙂
I am sorry that this theme only works on WordPress.
I LOVE your wood fence template. I have it uploaded to my site but the thumbnail view of the template has a white background behind the posts and in the uploaded template it is not there. I found the image in the images folder, bg_post_btm.png but how do I get it working in the editor. It is quite hard to read the posts without the different color background and I am soooo hoping I can use Wooden Fence. You have some great templates. Its beautiful.
Got it.. It was my browser..
How I wish I can use this on my blogspot, is it okay?
If not, never mind then but I like the deisgn
I am sorry you can’t do that because this theme has not been converted to Blogspot yet.
I have tried to install this repeatedly only to have it fail. It renders beautifully in Chrome and Firefox but in IE the post backgrounds will not render. Any hints what the problem might be? I am using IE 7 but upgraded to IE8 and even that did not fix the issue.
I checked this theme in IE7 and found no issue about the post background. I see that you are using Coffee Desk. Can you install the Wooden Fence theme so I can go take a look in more detail?
I will put the wooden fence theme up this evening for you to see. People visiting my blog during the day could not read the words as the post backgrounds would not render hence why I am using coffee desk – it is the one that did render correctly.
The template is loaded now. Thank you for taking the time to check it.
I see that you have removed my credit links. It is against the terms to use my themes without keeping the footer links. Please upload my links. I am sorry that I can’t provide free support now.
I have not modified anything in your template. I downloaded your file and put it in my wp theme directory and selected it. I thought something was corrupt in the file and downloaded it from 2 other places with the same result. Someone else has modified your files. However I will remove your themes from my blog and search for other themes. Thanks anyway.
So it is the third party who remove my links and promote it using his own brand! Shame on him! May I know where you downloaded the theme so I’ll take necessary action?
Please download the theme from my site (the original source) and upload your theme again so I’ll look into your problem again.
where do I find the link to replace with my own feed burner link for the rss image
please help
To replace the feed with your own feed burner, just edit index.php, single.php and page.php, find
<a href="<?php bloginfo(‘rss2_url’); ?>" title="RSS Feed" class="rss"></a>
replace the highlighted text with your feed burner link, e.g.
<a href="http://feed-burner-link" title="RSS Feed" class="rss" rel="nofollow"></a>
thanks thats great !
I love your theme. Thank you for providing it for free!
Hi Brian!
I’m just enquiring, if I need to place an advertisement banner on the page, maybe near the header, how do I do so?
Also, what is the pin and the paper beside the feed? Can I replace it with a banner?
Yes. You can replace it with the banner ad but you need some knowledge to modify it.
I am using the Beach theme.
My home page (one page site) is not showing. The page edit shows page published and will show in preview.
It was working perfectly, published the page on May 8th. Did not visit again till today when I was notified by a client that it was showing “not found”.
Any ideas what happened?
I view your site in IE7, Firefox and Chrome and it is showing for me.
Below is the screen shot:
It’s ok for me too. What client tell you “not found”? Maybe the host file was modified by some virus-like programs?
You can try to ping your site, open a console windows(in windows RUN CMD.exe), then type the command below and press ENTER key.
Now check whether the displayed IP equals to the real IP of your site.
If not, your host file may be incorrect, check the file %WindowsInstallPath/System32/drivers/etc/hosts, and remove the lines that contains
hi I found a bug in the template.
when on the homepage click previous entries and the posts don’t display at the top of the page showing a bottomless rss badge.
I have noticed that when I clicked the theme to preview of your site it works fine.
Whats the answer ?
Hi, please provide your blog url and which is using Wooden Fence so I can check.
thanks, good luck
I think the most probable reason is, some post or widget on you page has an unclosed div tag.
You can see your page’s html resource and check the tags enclosure using a online html check site like
hi I have renamed my wp_ files
everything works apart from the category and tag cloud in the side bar
any ideas on what hidden elements I have to change to get them working
From the source code, I am sorry that I can’t find out the cause of your problem. One way to troubleshoot the problem is to check your sidebar widget. First, deactivate all sidebar widgets, then activate them one by one to see which one is affecting the layout. After that, deactivate the problematic widget.
I know this is basic. New trying APS. How do i select the 3 pictures and exchange for my own? Is it a layer or what?
Thnks D
You will need to have some photo editing skill such as croping, resizing and rotating to perform the change. The header image contains only one layer.
How could i link a picture in a post to a page or other post with more pictures.
using wordpress 2.8.1
I am not sure if you are asking a newbie question. To link a picture to a page, you can use this code in html:
<a href="PAGE-URL"><img src="IMAGE-URL"></a>
hye,how to install this theme to my blog?tell me how to do please………
You can refer to for theme installation guide.
So, I’m new to blogs, love this template, and would like to change the pics. I’m pretty proficient in Photoshop, but still have no clue as to how to change the pics. Please help. I’ll probably understand if you just tell me where to put the file name or whatever is needed. Thank you.
So, I’m sorry, but I think my last question was not my real problem. I had found this template for Blogger @ and could not change the pics. I thought this file was the same as that file, but it’s not. I figured out how to change the pics in this file, but it does not seem as though this file can be uploaded on my site since there doesn’t seem to be an “XML file”. Is this true? Am I just S.O.L. ? Say it isn’t so!
You are installing the Blogger version of this theme. However, this site only deals with WordPress related issues. For blogger issues, please go to instead.
hi, Im sorrry to ask- I have seen it asked prior but didnt see an answer I could understand. So to change out the photos in the adorable wooden fence theme- I already unzipped the file. How can I upload the PSD file into Photoshop? It only accepts pictures and not files. (Yes Im a newbie). I would also like to play around with the fonts but again- have no idea how…So sorry for he dumb questions!
Thanks, Erika
First of all, do you have a Photoshop program to open the file “bg_header_new.psd”. If not, you need to install the Photoshop program so you can make the changes to the font and graphics.
yes, i installed Photoshop, from Is there a different one?When I opened it and tried to import- it wont let me import a “file” in, only jpegs, or pictures???? what am I doing wrong? Is it the “bg_header new” jpeg that you need to upload? I did that, but cant edit it- how do I pick my own font and pics from this point and then update my blog files?
You need to buy the desktop version of the Photoshop program in order to make the change. With the desktop version, you can open the .psd file and edit the font and graphic. To edit the graphic, you need some Photoshop skill to do it.
The price is expensive. Alternatively, you might search for free “.psd editor” in Google and see which one works. Anyone here can recommend a reliable free image editor?
I haven’t tried before but I think it doesn’t allow you to edit .psd file
this is what photoshop says- supports uploading of JPEG files only. If you have a PSD file your two choices are to use Photoshop Elements and Sync it, or convert it to JPEG and upload it via
Regards, Guy
what do you suggest?
Both options are not feasible in your case. You want an option that allows you to edit PSD file first and save in JPEG. The options they suggest is to save the FINISHED PSD files in JPEG.
I edited the psd file using gimp. It was very easy. First I resized the pics I wanted to use then “open in layers” the pics on the banner. Then used the rotate function. The sizes of the first 2 are scaled at 125 and the 3rd I think was ~175.
I didn’t have any problems editing the pictures but was curious about the text. Once I upload the edited header will the text update (in Arial) as the original did by changing it on my wordpress dashboard? And if I wanted to change the text on the new header how do I do that? I am not figuring out how to select the text “template lite preview” and “wooden …”
I don’t have it uploaded so my blog just shows the original 😉
I just put this theme on my blog and I love it. I have a silly question though, and it’s probably obvious but I’m issing it somewhere. The container_top image above the posts. I can’t find the code area for that section. I want to change the feed code of the RSS image and add Twitter to the little blank area but I’m overlooking it somehow.
Thanks so much!
@Summer, you can modify index.php, single.php and page.php. At the bottom of each file, you will see “<a href=”<?php bloginfo(’rss2_url’); ?>” title=”RSS Feed” class=”rss”></a>”. This code is to generate a block to let visitors click on the rss button. You can change the code to point to your feed url.
To change the rss image, you can modify "bg_container_top.jpg"
hi, is there a way of making the posts only show the top 2 lines and a read more tag being shown on the home page. At the moment I am doing this by hand but must be a way of automating it ???
@mark, you can go to Template Tags/the excerpt to see how to use the_excerpt(). It’ll show […] at the end instead of “more…”
My suggestion is to use the manual way to control because it is easier.
i love your template so much and I am using it right now.
I LOVE your themes! They are unique and have great presentation. I am currently using one of your other themes but would like to switch over to the Wooden Fence theme. But when I switch over, only the top of the page appears and I get the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function post_class() in /home/alystaco/public_html/tracyscraftroom/wp-content/themes/wooden-fence/index.php on line 26
Any ideas on what I need to do to fix it? Thanks so much for your help!
@Tracy, post_class() is one of the new functions in wordpress starting from ver 2.7. Are you using wordpress lower than 2.7? My themes now support from 2.7+
Thanks so much Brian! I checked and I was running 2.6.5! I appreciate your help. 🙂
Hi Brian,
I new to installation so I apologize for perhaps an easy question. How can I modify the sites in the meta? When I go into widgets in the admin panel, there are none in the sidebar. Yet, I see them on the preview. What can I do?
@Suzy, instead of modifying the sites in the meta section, it is better to remove the whole meta section from the widget. If you wish to add external links, just add it to the Blogroll.
Yes, I guess I wasn’t clear. There are no widgets in the side bar sections of the widget admin panel. They are all available on the left. There are some already on the site (default from you perhaps?). But when I drag a new one to the side bar it doesn’t stay? Is there something going wrong?
@Suzy, I guess you didn’t expand the sidebar section in widget admin panel….
A. Cannot drag widget into it, because the section is not expanded.
B. Can drag widget into it.
Thanks for trying to help. I’m still confused because I do have the sidebar sections expanded. There are no widgets in them — they are blank. Yet, the site has several widgets that seem to have come with the site (Bar 1: pages, categories, archives, calendar; Bar 2: recent posts, tag cloud, blog roll, meta). When I try to put another widget in, like recent comments, I drag it over the expanded (empty) section. Suddenly, though, the only thing in the side bar on the site is the dragged widget. The ones that were there (but which I can’t see) are gone. Help!
@Suzy, yes, that is what widgets do. If you didn’t put anything into the admin sidebar widget section, the sidebar will display the default item (widget) which I define in sidebar.php
If you drag at least one widget into it, then the sidebar just display the widget that you drag into. This means you have to drag all widgets that you want to display in sidebar.
I have also fallen in love in this template!
I am trying to change the 3 images on the header. I have already managed to change them in photoshop and uploaded the new photo to web as well.
However, if I replace the original header link on the html code with my new one, it doesent work?
Is it possible to change the 3 images in blogger at all?
@kristina, by replacing the original header image link with a new one should work. Please check the path to the image and make sure that is it working.
If you have question regarding this Blogger template, please refer to for help. This site only deals with WordPress related issues.
I am wondering why there are white spaces on either side of this template on my site, but don’t show on the original. I assumed it had to do with the screen resolution, and it did indeed shrink when I changed the resolution. But its still there:
Is there a way to get rid of this?
@Tina, I have found the solution. Please post this issue in the support forum and I’ll provide the solution there 🙂
i love, this theme is beautiful
wow! I like your comment style, could you share it with me? thanks!
Hi Brian,
I’ve been using your theme for the last 1 yr. But now there’s a problem – Looks like the theme background images have been erased by google/theme creator. Hence those image URLs are ending up with HTTP error 404.
Is there some way to fix this problem?? I’d really like to stay with this theme. Please e-mail me or reply here to help fix this.
Thanks so much.
@lostworld, thanks for being the loyal user.
I am sorry that this site only deals with WordPress theme issue. Please go to instead for support.
Hi everyone
We had the same problem as lostworld, and we found a solution.
The theme’s images have been erased from served, and it’s necesary upload it again in a hosting (ex. blogger, imageshack).
After you must change the HTLM code in your blog with the new url.
If you have any problem or question more, we could help you!
First, congratulations for your template. I have downloaded it and customized it for my site. Everything was perfect untill i realize that i couldn’t prevew articles (posts). i mean that when a user or even the admin (me) wanted to preview the post , i had an unexpected $end in line 55 of the single.php
I found that there was a <? instead of a <?php in this single.php
I have downloaded your theme quite recently, so may be this "problem" still exists in your actual zip file in single.php ?
But i want to ask something else :
is it normal that a contributor has no icon to add "picture" in his editor ? (in admin we have icons above the tools bar of the editor, with picture, sound, movie…) the contributor only has the movie icon insite the tools bar
sorry for my poor skill in english. May be i am not clear.
I reply to myself .
I am really confused. It is absolutely normal that contributors have no right to upload images, it is a normal classic wordpress rule. I even found some plugins to change these persmissions for each role.
Sorry again for this useless question.
hi there these theme is awesome i need to ask very important question .
1) Do i have to pay to change those three images or can i do it for free by myself ?
2) If yes ? then pls tell me how to do it .
3) Another question is that i am using google search like everyone does and your theme contains a search option . what i wanna know is , can i use google search with your search image ” means whenever somebody searches inside that image box my google search result should appear ” , if yes? then what should i do, where should i put google search code . if not ? then how should i remove that search image .
hope you will help me thanks
@akshay, kindly post your questions in the Wooden Fence forum and I’ll address them there.