Typography involves the utilization of type to form artistic, attractive, and useful statements with language. It is used everywhere from advertising to brand messaging to architecture and has been gaining popularity and usefulness as more and more different typefaces become available. It has gone from a very specialized field of master typographers to something almost everyone does at some point or another, often without realizing it. The Flickr groups below bring those with a passion for typography together.
Found Typography
While this group has hundreds of members and over ten thousand images, what makes them unique is that images submitted by members are picked to be a part of a webzine called Typezine. This adds an extra level of competitiveness along with the opportunity to have your work featured. All images used in the zine are fully credited back to the members flickr page or personal website, so it could also be a great way to promote yourself.
Typophile’s member base dwarfs many of the others in this selection with over 6,000 members. It also boasts over 40,000 images that are sure to keep you busy and inspired for quite awhile. They have a very active forum community as well and make it easy to locate an obscure typeface or to get feedback on your own typography. This community has been around for awhile and doesn’t show signs of slowing down any time soon!
Typography and Lettering
While Typophile may have many members, the biggest group in our list is Typography and Lettering with almost 20,000 members and over 135,000 images. One of my favorite things about this group is that they have some really interesting and active discussions, including one about what fonts the members hate the most. Certainly there is a lot of disagreement, but also a lot of great discussion and interesting points of view. With such a great array of members from all different background and such an incredible selection of images to look through, this is one group where you can spend quite a bit of time and not come close to getting bored!
Vintage Typography
This group has nearly 3,000 members and nearly 10,000 images, but what makes them actually stand out is that this is a group for vintage typography. It celebrates that which has long since faded from being in fashion but still remains and important part of typography culture. It is an attractive and compelling walk down memory lane while celebrating some gorgeous typography.
Your Typography
What makes this group unique is that they only accept original typography rather than photos or other images of typography people just found and liked. That means that you have an opportunity to interact with the creators, give feedback, praise, and constructive criticism for the images. It also will allow you the chance to post your own and get the same kind of response from others who are also involved in the typography field.
These are just some of the best groups among many great Flickr typography groups that celebrate the art and function of wonderful typography. What groups have you joined? What do you like about them? Share those and any great typography images below in the comments.
By Annie Wallace
Annie Wallace is the typography amateur and creative blogger for Cartridge Ink, the eco-friendly printer supplies company.