Coffee Desk

Posted by on Jan 1, 2015 in Free Themes, Popular Free Themes | 163 comments

Latest Version: 3.0
Updated on: 2015/05/31

Here it goes. The Coffee Desk, my newest theme that I am very proud of 😎

I should have released it last week but I got stuck in making the theme compatible with ALL major browsers. I have tried many ways in HTML and CSS but just couldn’t make it display well in major browsers. Finally, I am glad that I found the solutions using jQuery!

This is the first theme I created 3 months after the “Simple Style” theme. Sorry to let you all wait for so long but I will my best to release at least 2 quality themes per month. Hope you like the Coffee Desk theme and visit this site regularly for more releases in future!

Coffee Desk WordPress Theme
Click on the “Free Download” link above to get the theme now!
By using this theme for FREE, you agree to accept the external links.

Add to Cart
Gain access to the fully layered Photoshop file for quick and easy tweakage. PSD files included for both the main and the sub themes.
Add to CartAd-Free Package
Removing the credit links will make the theme to not function properly. Unencrypted main and sub theme files can be purchased at $20.
Theme Customization
Do you want to customize this theme to include images that suit your blog's topic? I can help you with the graphical customization. For more details, please visit the theme customization service page.

The following is an example of a custom design of the Coffee Desk theme.

Main Features
– Nice background. Best viewed with a resolution of 1280px
– Compatible with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera
– W3C XHTML and CSS compliant
– Gravatar enable

Things to take note
Header Links
1) Limit the number of the header links to 4 only. If you display more than 4 links, the “paper note” will overlap with the “coffee cup”.
2) Control the length of the links to within 2 lines.

Blog Title
Currently, the blog title is using the Arial font. You can change the font style by following this instruction:
– Open “header.php”
– Remove this code
<div id=”blogtitle”><a href=”<?php echo get_option(‘home’); ?>”><?php bloginfo(‘name’); ?></a></div>
– Save the file and upload to your server
– Open “images/bg_header.jpg” in image editing software
– Add your desired font and content to the image
– Save the image and upload to your server

Blog Description
If you don’t want to display the blog description, simply remove this line from “header.php”:
<div id=”subtitle”><?php bloginfo(‘description’);?></div>

Post Title
Coffee Desk theme allows up to 2 lines for the post title without distorting the design.

Bottom of the Content Area
The white space size below the content area is not a constant. Sometimes you’ll see a big gap, sometimes the gap is small and fits well. This is a design constraint and is not an error.

User Showcase
The followings are a few examples of nice modification of this theme from other users. You can view all the nice design in the forum theme showcase.

View my other themes

Change log
2009-02-24 v1.00 – Release
2009-03-05 v1.01 – Fixed comment display problem in IE.
2009-04-21 v1.02 – Modified the javascript to fix the height of dynamic content.
2009-05-11 v1.03 – Moved Javascript to a .js file. Fixed Tag Cloud widget display problem.
2009-07-14 – Theme is compatible with WP 2.8
2011-03-31 v3.00 – New – Added drop-down menu, ad-widget, Options page, advanced automatic thumbnails, custom style, custom menu (works on WP 3+ onwards) and enabled localization (translation).


  1. Looks great! For a very private blog. In German language called gemütlich! 😉 Thx a lot for your Work!
    But it works really only in Categories not on the first, the homesite!
    The menues are under the posts!
    Please take a look!

    • I think I found what caused the problem.

      In this post: Offener Brief von Gerhard Menuhin an Justizministerin Zypries, there are two open commands as follows:
      <div class="entry">
      <div class="snap_preview">

      It should fix the problem when you remove them.

  2. Wow! It’s beautiful Brian. Makes me feel like doing a personal blog just cause it would be a joy to write in.

  3. Wow, this artistic theme design is creative and quite different with previous themes! I love the idea that putting search bar in the ball pen image, cool!

    Keep up the great work, thanks for the sharing ya. 😀

  4. Good morning!
    This is really an amazing theme!
    I run a blog on Japanese civilization and would like to use your theme as a base.
    Would it be possible for you to send me the PSD for the background images so that I customize it?
    Thank you,

    • Glad that you like the theme. If you want to get the PSD file, you need to make a donation of $30 as specified in our Terms of Use page

  5. how can you make a theme like in my dream ? 🙂
    for long time I want to find a theme like this, every details precisely with coffee and notebook ..

    gee, you are awesome !

  6. I’m testing this theme, but unfortunately it doesn’t appear to be valid XHTML. I get this error using a validator site:

    Line 22, Column 33: character “<” is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data.

    if(jQuery(“#content”).height()<350) jQuery(“#content”).height(350);

    The style sheet has one error and 35 warnings. Any update in the future for a valid CSS/XHTML theme? It really is such an attractive theme!

    • Hi Chris,

      I forgot to put <!– and –> for <script> which make the xhtml not valid. You can download the updated zip file again(it is a very minor change so I didn’t change the version of it).

      I also corrected the CSS error and it passes the test. For the warnings, they really don’t matter.

      Now the theme passes both W3C validators. Thanks for reminding 🙂

  7. Hello Brian,

    Thank you so much for this lovely theme. It’s a pure visual delight. You are an A+ artist (and coder). I am bookmarking it right away in my delicious!

  8. Thanks for all your support and compliments for this theme! Your kind words definitely motivate me to create more wonderful themes 😆

    I also welcome any suggestions for my upcoming themes. You can share your thoughts here at

  9. Brian, this is a beautiful theme! I’ve been using your Photo Frame theme for several months, and I’ve enjoyed it very much but have wanted a three column design. I decided to look for one yesterday and couldn’t find anything pleasing (to me) on the Word Press site. So I came over here to see what new designs you’d come up with, and I am in love with Coffee Desk! It’s beautiful, and the three columns are perfect.

    It looks great in my Firefox, but my mom told me she can’t see the comments in IE7. I checked it, and when I click on “comments” to display the single post page, the commenter’s gravatar appears but not the comment. If you go to my main page ( and then click on the comments under the 2nd post (titled A New Theme) you’ll see what I mean. I did move the comments, tags, and categories so they appear just below the author at the top of the page. Surely that couldn’t have messed up about the comments appear, or could it? Thank you so much for any advice you can give.

    • Hi Cindy, great to see you again 😀 I have corrected the comment display problem in IE6 and IE7, please download the latest version.

      Thanks for reminding. IE really gave me a headache 🙁

      • Thanks, Brian, it looks fine now. I agree that IE is a pain. Thank you for all the time and hard work you put into these fabulous themes.

  10. Hi Brian,

    Thank you so much for creating and sharing this wonderful theme:) i really love it so mucccchhh………… hahaha. A noob question, i wonder how do i key in the date and month? i had tried several times, but it appeared ‘undefined’.

    • It seems like you are using the theme in the Blogger platform. Please go to or for the support of the Blogger template.

  11. Its really beautiful theme. I must give you 2 thumb up for creating this themes. Do u mind i put your themes in my free premium wordpress theme site?



    • Thanks for your kind words.

      Yes. You are free to put my themes on your directory as long as you keep the footer link and a footer script intact.

  12. Hi, I LOVE this layout, it seems to work really well, except I can’t figure out how to get the date and not an “Undefined” on my blog. Feel free to check it out. Any suggestions?

    • You are using the theme in the Blogger platform. To set up the date correctly, please follow the instruction found on

      Btw, I don’t usually support Blogger issues. If your site is running on the Blogger platform and encounter some issues, please seek help from or

  13. Thank you so much for the theme..
    I’m loving it 🙂

  14. Hey,Brian
    Thanks,this theme is cool.i love it

  15. BEAUTIFULL, i love it, i love it!! Unfortunatly, i’m using Blogger, and it’s not working well…BUT even though i don’t know anything about coding etc, i’ll try hard to find out why!! Hehehe

    Keep the good work!

    • You may want to go to to get help with the Blogger template.

  16. I am getting the following error.
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function post_class() in /home/goalachi/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/coffeedesk/index.php on line 27

    I love the theme please let me know what I can change to make it work for me.


  17. Great theme Brian thank you 🙂

    i was going to ask you about the (date problem) but i read the comments so i’ll try to fix it now 🙂

    thanks again & really good job


  18. I’m about to give you $30 for this great template, but I notice that in IE6, the page navigation “notes” (e.g. in your demo, Page1, Page2, don’t appear). The text is there, but no graphics.

    • Hi Steven, I compare the demo’s Page1 in Firefox, IE6 and IE7 and find no differences. What is the navigation “notes”? Can you elaborate more about the problem?

  19. This theme Rocks! I just love it!

  20. Hi, Brian. I’ve noticed a problem with the theme that I’m hoping you can advise me on. When I scroll down (on my main page, as well as on any “category” or “archives” pages), I’ll see several posts but then they abruptly end right in the middle of a post. Something, an image is even cut in two. There is no “previous entries” or “older posts” link at the bottom. Any ideas? Thanks.

    • Hi Cindy, I found that the problem is caused by the linkwithin’s plugin. It will change the height after the page is loaded. Normal themes won’t be affected but some of my themes such as the Coffee Desk theme which uses javascript technique to make the repeating background and rings are affected by this plugin.

      I am trying to solve this problem. Thanks for you comment. This helps me to improve my themes 🙂

      I will try my best to solve it but I will be very busy in the next few days. Can you disable that plugin for a few days?

      • Thanks for the reply, Brian. I disabled Linked Within, and the problem is resolved.

        • Hi Cindy, I have changed the javascript and I think it should solve the problem.

          Please download ver 1.02. I only modified header.php so you just need to replace this file with the old one and see the result. Please let me know if you find any problem.

  21. Another great theme from TemplateLite, and I’m more than happy to list this theme on CMSTheme.NET

  22. This theme is great!!! I just switched to wordpress so I’m using this one as my first theme. 🙂 The watercolor theme is great too but this one is more conducive to writing so I chose it. 😀

    Thank you so much! I hope you can make more amazing themes!

  23. Hi Brain,
    I’m loving your theme!!! I’ve put it up on my blog and really like it!!

    I would only like to change the date on the comments, but I can’t find the place to do that. Usually it is in the ‘comments.php’, but not on this theme.
    And I use the ‘identicon’ plugin, so I wanted to delete the build-in avatar in the comments.

    Thanks if you can help me!!!

    Greet, BB

    • Hi BB,

      All my themes are using WordPress build-in function, wp_list_comments() to diplay the comments. If you want to change the date format, you can modify the Date and Time format on wp-admin -> Setting -> General.

      To disable the build-in avatar, you can change the wp_list_comments(); to wp_list_comments(array(‘avatar_size’ => NULL));

      Hope this helps 🙂

      • It helped!!!

        Thank you!!!!!

  24. Thans alot.
    But now my blog link list have some trouble,how can i do will open new another windows???


  25. A problem with this theme. When I upload it, I am getting an error message that says there is a fatal error on line 27 of index.php. I’ve looked but don’t really know enough to see what the problem is. Any suggestions? It’s a great theme and I’d love to use it.



    • Hi wakar,

      Are you using WordPress 2.7+? My themes is compatible with wordpress 2.7+ and is not guarantee to work well on other WP version.

  26. I love this theme! You are brilliant! Is there a way to insert bullets before the links in “Recent Posts,” “Recent Comments,” “Links,” etc.? If so, how do I go about doing that?

    • You can modify the following 2 items in style.css (you need some css knowledge):
      #sidebar1 ul ul li {} and #sidebar2 ul ul li {}
      and add the bullets as background.

      Here is an example:
      #sidebar2 ul ul li {
      line-height: 1.6em;
      list-style-type: none;
      margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
      padding: 0px 3px 0px 20px;
      background:url(‘images/bullet.gif’) no-repeat left top;

  27. Amazing! thank you very much! I’m still trying to figure out some stuff… but… is a very nice template.

  28. Is Coffee Desk or your Red Light theme able to have Ads? I love your work, this and Red Light have gotten good reviews and I’d like to use one but I’m looking for a template with ad space. I’d definitely be willing to pay for that information.

  29. If you pay for commercial use will the ads be placed. I guess that’s what I need to know or are you given the file in order to do it yourself?

    • If you pay for the commercial use and doesn’t know how to insert the ads, I can insert for you and show you how to edit it.

  30. perfect themes, thanks temlatelite

  31. Hi Brian, I have another question. If you wanted to add a video post in the Coffee Desk theme, is that possible as well? If not do any of your other themes have this capability AND the option to add ADDS? I do understand that I’d have to pay for the template at that point. I just want to find the right one that covers things I know I may encounter.

    • Hi, is the video you post an embedded video from Youtube? If so, it should have no problem working on my themes.

  32. I love it!

  33. Hi Brian, your theme is great. I translated it in German for usage at … please let me know (by mail) if you are interested in the translation, then I’ll provide you with the sources.

  34. first of all i really like the theme, just a quick question can i edit the header image, i mean the text “something about…” ?

    • Yes. You can edit the header image in anyway you like. Just make sure you keep my footer link and script.

  35. How do I loade it unto my blog on I am new to everything. I love this template but someone please help me.

    • Please go to for the support of the Blogger template.

  36. How do you make a post with the sticky note pad?

  37. Hi ! Can Somebody please tell me how i can upload this template on my blogger ,do i really have to have hosting ?well i did but is giving me an error :
    Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
    XML error message: Content is not allowed in prolog.
    i will appreciTE THANKS !

    • Please refer to for Blogger template related issues.

  38. This is a beautiful and really well-behaved theme. I love it. There is one tweak I would like to make if possible. The text in the blog posts have full justification. Is there a way to make them left justified instead?

    But again, this is a great theme.

    • Yes, you can modify style.css, find text-align: justify; There are 2 items. 1 for blockquote and the other for post entry. Remove those 2 lines. Then your blog posts will be left justified.

  39. Hi Brian,

    I love this theme/layout. I am a photographer and am curious if I could somehow hire you to make a few customized tweaks to this for me?

    Mostly I am looking to maybe have the coffee cup replaced by some photo frames that i could update on my own in ps as the header-sort of along the lines of my splash page:

    Let me know if this is something you are interested in or a possibility.


    • Hi Thea, I am sorry that I am too busy to provide custom theme service at the moment 🙁

  40. Hi Brian, I recently paid for the psd file for this beautiful theme so that I could make some minor changes for use on my blog. I want to crop about 100px from the top of the bg_image. This, of course, pushes the entries, search, etc. down the page. Could you tell me which entries in the CSS file to change in order to move everything upward into their correct positions?

    • The CSS modification is not straightforward. What I can do is to modify the CSS file and adjust the Javascript to cater for your needs. However, I need the background image.

      All you need to do is to send me the cropped background image to my email via wpsubmit @ templatelite (dot) com and I’ll work on it.

      • I just modified style.css base on the background image that you sent. Please replace bg_header.jpg and style.css

  41. This is such a great theme – I love the look and feel! I was browsing istock for some files to make it a little more masculine and came across this image and I thought it could be a pretty slick starting point for a similar theme. Love your stuff!

  42. Hey Brian…I just came across your site as I search for my first wordpress theme and I love this one. I saw it with the notebook in a different color though… that something I can do myself or was I looking at a custom job?


    • I am afraid you have to do it yourself as I don’t do any customization at the moment.

  43. Brian – I have been working on implementing this theme for my blog but have just discovered that it does not display more than one page of content! When I go to archive for a particular month, only the first two or three entries appear and there is no option of going to page 2, page 3, etc. Is this correct or am I doing something wrong?

    • Hi Lana, I am not sure what your issue is. Please send me your URL or visit our demo to see if the same problem is found there.

      • My URL is The problem is that I do not have the “previous entries” or “older entries” link at the bottom of the page. Sorry, I did not state it very well 🙂 It is shown on the demo page.

        Possibly this has something to do with the alterations to the CSS for the cropped background image?

        • Hi Lana, I went to your blog to check and your are using the older version of this theme (v1.01).

          The problem of “dynamic height in content” was fixed on 2009-04-21 (v1.02).

          Please download and install the latest version. Make sure that you backup your current files before overwriting them. The style.css that I sent to you work on v1.03 (the latest version)

          If you are worried of overwriting of the old files will affect the changes you have made so far, you can download the latest version but just upload 3 files: header.php(remove 2 lines, see instruction above) , coffeedesk.js and functions.php.

          Hope it helps.

  44. Hi Brian,
    I just build a new blog with your themes… thak’s a lot, its very cool.
    I have some question..
    -> how to add the clip at top of header, i want make 4 menu at the top.
    -> i want to give “bullet” at each item under the sub-header (etc. categories)


    • @Eric
      1) Once you create a page in the admin, it will appear at the header. The header menu can accommodate up to 4 links.
      2) Modification of CSS file is needed to add a bullet. I am sorry that I don’t provide any custom work at the moment.

  45. Hi Brian,
    I love your themes and now I’m using in my blog site. I don’t encounter any problem whenever I preview in my site so I post about it.
    Can you make a magazine style theme in the future?.

    • @Ana, thanks for your good words. I appreciate it.

      Sure. Whenever I have time, I’ll study the structure of the magazine style themes and possibly create one 🙂

  46. Hi – I’m working on my wife’s blog – using this wonderful free template (Coffee Desk) and I’m trying to figure out how to edit the CSS to hide the title. I’ve tried a couple of generic ideas I found in other forums, but so far – I can get the title to hide, and it shows up in the browser title bar, but not in RSS feeds. Any idea what I can do to make this work. . .? Thanks

    • @Lee Keele, I tried to subscribe the rss of via Google reader and below is the screencut. I can see the title of the blog, can you elaborate more about your issue?

      savvy shopping moms rss screenshot

  47. Hello,

    I am a happy user of your Coffee Theme. And I have promoted your design talent to many of my friends and associates. However, since I downloaded your theme from Crazy Leaf Designs, they get the credit for the design – not you. Would it be OK to add your company and link to my footer?

    Now….to my other question…

    Is there a way to add additional page templates to the Coffee Theme?

    I would like to create/add custom SEO optimized landing pages to my site. But I see that the theme will not currently allow additional page choices.

    What would you recommend I do, in order to have more page choices?

    • @TustinTim, the footer “WordPress Templates in collaboration with CrazyLeaf Design Blog” already has my link. I partner with Crazyleaf design to distribute my themes and I am glad to see good number of downloads from the site. Thanks for reminding btw 🙂

      Coffee Desk Theme only allows 4 page links to be display in the header. If you wish to display more page links, you can add the links into the sidebar widget.

  48. Hi Brian,

    I seemed to have a problem with the my “pages”. The side bars and the comments don’t show up. I reinstalled the theme, just in case I did something — I try not to mess with the coding since I only have a vague idea of what I’m looking at. Still noting.

    Love the theme, by the way.


    • @Christina, please deactivate the “printfriendly” plugin and try.

      • That did the trick (the “edit” and sidebars are back).


  49. And I forgot to mention, the “Edit” link isn’t showing up either.

  50. Hi… I use this theme to my website ‘tips menulis’ Thank you, great job!

  51. First of all thank you so much for all of your hard work. I searched 100’s of themes to find the one that suited me and my blog and your theme had it all.

    My issue is: “Read More” tag. I have tried to insert the tag via blogger dashboard and it doesn’t insert the tag. Could you please instruct me on how to insert this tag. I know very, very little about html so if you could tell me in pre-school language that would be great. LOL


  52. Hi,

    I’m from Brazil and I loved the theme. I just created my blog, but I’m having problems adding that little “post it” that says page 1, page 2 …. can you help me?

    Thanks a lot!!!

    • @Priscila, the header links with the “post it” notes are the menu links. When you create the page, the page title will show up in the header automatically.

  53. Great theme! I’ve used it for my wife’s business, Cooking with Ellen ( and it works great! I do almost wish there was an alternate page template that displayed the “notebook” look across 1 column instead of 2. But it looks great nonetheless!

    • @Ryan, I like how you did for and will feature the site in the showcase section of the upcoming forum.

      Changing things according to your request will involve big coding change and I am sorry that I have no time for that 🙁

  54. Hi! Thanks for your very attractive template. Just wanted to check if the template can be customized to remove the coffee cup and the colour some of the images changed to suit my peference? Please advise. TQ

    • @Mangales, if you know how to use Photoshop, you can buy the PSD file to modify by yourself 🙂

  55. Thanks for your prompt reply, Brian!

  56. Thank you for a beautiful theme! I love it! Is there a way to allow comments to a PAGE (not just a POST). Thanks –

    • @Amy, to add the comments in the Page section, following this simple step:
      Change the content of page.php and replace it with the exact content found in single.php

  57. can’t seem to get this big red UNDEFINED to go away, I think it has something to do with the date, but I don’t want to play with it and then really screw something up! HELP!

    • @Toni, you are asking Blogger related questions. Please go to for support instead.

      This site only provide support for WordPress theme related issues.

  58. can i get the coffee desk templates in xml document format? i cannot get this. please help. tq

  59. I LOVE your designs.

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