Mobile Website Designing rules you’ll find hard to ignore

Posted by on Dec 4, 2014 in Useful Resources | 0 comments

With mobile-friendly website design and development being one of the hottest topics of discussion in the web world, it doesn’t come as a surprise that companies and clients are shifting their focus towards development of websites that target audience coming in from smartphones and other hand-held gadgets.

As a website builder, it’s essential for you to pursue a well-rounded approach that can enable you to deliver a website that offers a brilliant user experience on a variety of smartphones, tablets, netbooks etc. Keep on reading this blog as I’ll be making you familiar with some of the must-know rules for designing an awesome mobile-friendly website.

1. Keep things simple


Irrespective of whether you’re a designer, a developer or a website owner, the thumb rule for building a perfect mobile-friendly site is keeping things simple. Avoid including too much content in your site, rather focus on the usability aspects such as navigation, features etc. It is better to keep the file size small as it would reduce the load time by a considerable amount. Plan the proper placement of elements within your site. Doing this will make your visitors return to you on a repetitive basis.

2. Get to know the target audience for the site

Doing business over the web is something that can help you scale new heights of success instantly. If you are supposed to design a website for the mobile users then ensure to get the vibe of the targeted audience. Make it a point to analyze the data and the kind of devices that are being used by your visitors. Doing this will enable you to plan a strategy for designing the website in a better way.

3. Single column layouts must be included within the website design

Unlike the variety of layout options that are available for designers who need to design a website for the desktops, the professionals who have been assigned the task of designing a mobile-friendly website have a single option when it comes to layout designing- single column layouts. Sticking to the single column layouts eliminates all the frustration that’s otherwise caused to users who have to scroll through multiple columns for finding the desired information.

4. Utilize Responsive Web Design

Testing your website functionality in a limited number of web browsers won’t work for you. You need to utilize cutting-edge web technologies such as CSS3, HTML5 and web fonts for creating a mobile-responsive website that can be easily accessed via a wide spectrum of mobile devices. You can find ample number of online videos and tutorials that are focused on guiding web designers with the steps that need to be followed for creating a mobile-friendly website.

5. Social Media Integration can serve as a plus point

Mobile users are very open to the idea of sharing stuff via a variety of social networking websites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. This appears as a great news for web designers who need to design websites for the mobile visitors. Thus, it is better to have social sharing links on your web pages to enhance your social media presence.

6. Defining the context is vital

As an aware online entrepreneur, it is mandatory for you to define the things that must be first popped up each time a user visits your website via his/her mobile device. Here, you need to be very careful about choosing the right set of features and content that need to be incorporated into your website. Some of the interactive features that aid in creating a direct communication between you and visitors include: a phone number, a click-to-call button, an online booking feature etc.

7. Defining the brand is important

While putting up things together during website designing, ensure not to forget defining your/your client’s brand. This is crucial for gathering instant recognition among your targeted customers. Opt for including a logo and a specific set of colors and style that can make your site stand out from the crowd.

Wrapping Up

By taking on all the aforementioned mobile website designing rules, it would become feasible for you to build a site that scores high with people who love accessing internet via their smartphones, tablets and netbooks. Plus, the site would also turn out to be quite rich in looks and overall functionality.

About the Author
Maria Mincey is qualified outsource web development professional who is great at delivering focus in her writings. She works for Xicom Technologies, a offshore software development company which delivers most comprehensive web applications and solutions for different industry verticals.

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