Does your free theme downloaded elsewhere look nice on IE browser but look bad on Firefox? If your theme doesn’t look good on all major browsers, you are losing visitors.
I know how important it is to have a theme with major browsers supported. Before I release every theme, I’ll test it rigorously on 6 most commonly-used browsers, namely IE7, IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome!!
As an example, I found a free theme and viewed it on Firefox. When I switch to IE, some images are missing. I then study why the images showed up on Firefox but disappeared on IE. On a closer look, I found out that the file extension of the images were .png (Portable Network Graphics). As of this writing, IE browser can’t display .png images.
I know what works and what doesn’t for these browsers so for every theme that I release on this site, I make sure that they all look good on the 6 browsers.