Benefits of having a new design for your blog
The design and appearance used is one of the mainstays of a blog. That is why Templatelite has the redesign. Just admit it โ an attractively designed blog will have more pulling power rather than a plain and dull blog with no graphics, pictures and so on. These will result in the blogs gaining followers and increased readership. There are several pointers and tips below for those intending to design their blogs to make it attractively appealing to others : Adding Extras – a redesign will give you more opportunity on how you can extend the functionality of your blog by allowing adding extra features such as social bookmarking buttons, Subscriber Stats, RRS buttons, Portfolio Showcase, Chat Windows and many more. An extra feature that will make your subscriber stay and they will even invite their friends to join the blog. Previously, I didn’t have any posts about design resources. Since this site is about theme design, it would be appropriate to include the resources. In future, I’ll also include more advertising options and probably do custom theme design and SEO work for others. Rearranging your Blog โ if you have a messy space on your blog it is not recommended that you have so many unnecessary components and elements. The best way is to remove some of the unnecessary components and retain the best parts of your blog that are neglected sometimes. Keep it smart, simple but effective. Take a look at this site for example, the top left is the showcase of my latest themes. The sidebar lists only important sections that include introduction of Templatelite, search feature, RSS feature, archive, about our themes, WordPress tips and tricks, useful resources, tag cloud etc. The footer has 3 columns showing the popular themes, recent posts and recent comments. I think all these sections are necessary for my blog. New Experience for the visitors โ having attractive and appealing new design in your blog is definitely an attention grabber especially on the Internet world everyday there are new innovations that are made. It is akin updating your wardrobe with your new look blog. Some visitors tend to get bored with the same old look. Better Usability โ usability of your page is one of the most essential parts of the blog. For example, if the visitors check your page and finds nothing usable about the blog, it is possible that they will not return to the blog. Compared to blogs that features contains elements such as like everyday events and exciting happenings to look forward to, blogs without usability and relevance to visitors are often passed and overlooked. I am constantly looking for ideas to improve the usability of this site to get more repeating visitors. The core of Templatelite is to offer free and quality WordPress themes. I admit that I have not done enough releasing more quality themes but I am working hard on this part now. Indeed, blogging is the new trend in the Internet world that has been gaining popularity over the years. Whether for social or corporate businesses, a graphically appealing design of a blog is always a plus factor. This is especially so when Advertising is involved in the blogs. An organized blog that is designed exceptionally and attractively will result in increased visitors and even lead to increased sales. The above are merely several illustrations of how a new design in your blog can be beneficial to a blog owner. The design of a blog is akin to the clothes worn by a person. It is the skin and most often the...
Read MoreWhat Emoticons can I use?
To use the following emoticons, you need to first enable it in the admin following the steps below: Settings -> Writing -> Formatting Tick this box: Convert emoticons like ๐ and ๐ to graphics on display ๐ ๐ โก โก ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ ๐ ๐ก ๐ก ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ ๐ ๐ก ๐ก ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ก ๐ก ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ 8) 8) ๐ฏ ๐ฏ ๐ฎ ๐ฎ ๐ก ๐ก ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ โ โ โ โ Author This article is originally written by Brian L. You are free to redistribute this article but please link back to this page with this title: What Emoticons can I...
Read MoreDifferent Uses of the ‘more’ tags
With the more tag, your posts will be splited. The excerpts will be displayed on the home and/or the archive page. The full article will be shown in the post itself. There are a few ways to use the more tag. Method #1 A link showing “moreโฆ” is placed at the bottom of the post where you insert this code in the HTML mode: <!--more--> Eg, one full article has 3 sentences as follows: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. I live in a wonderful city of Angels. To display only the first 2 sentences in the home or the archive page, you add this more tag in the HTML mode of the post: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. <!--more--> I live in a wonderful city of Angels. In the home or archive page, the post will be displayed like this: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. moreโฆ Note: The link “more…” is defined in this coding: the_content(“more…”); which can normally be found in index.php, search.php or archive.php Method #2 Instead of displaying more… at the bottom of the post, you can hide it by entering a space between ‘e’ and ‘-‘ <!--more --> Taking the same example as above, you add this more tag in the HTML mode as follows: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. <!--more --> I live in a wonderful city of Angels. In the home or archive page, the post will be displayed like this: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. Method #3 You can customize the more… link to anything you want to write. For example, you want to replace “more…” with “Click here to view the full story”. To do this, you add this more tag in the HTML mode as follows: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. <!--moreย Click here to view the full story --> I live in a wonderful city of Angels. In the home or archive page, the post will be displayed like this: Hi, this is my first post. I have many things to write about myself. Click here to view the full story Author This article is originally written by Brian L. You are free to redistribute this article but please link back to this page with this title: Different uses of the more...
Read MoreInstallation Guide
To add a new theme to your WordPress, follow these basic steps: Download the zip file and extract the files it contains. The extracted files are grouped in one folder. The name of the folder is the theme name. Take the Coffee Desk theme for example, the folder name of the theme is โcoffeedeskโ Download and install WordPress to your server by following the instruction atย Using an FTP client to access your host web server. Go to the โwp-contentโ folder and create a sub-folder called โthemesโ and the structure will look like this: /wp-content/themes/ Upload the theme folderย to โthemesโ on your host server. Again, taking the Coffee Desk theme for example, after uploaded, the structure will become like this: ย /wp-content/themes/coffeedesk/ Login to WordPress admin, select Appearance ย -> Themes. Click on the theme you would like to activate. On the top right side of the theme, click Activate + โThemeโ You are done. Enjoy the new look of your blog! Please contact us if you encounter problems with our themes and we’ll be glad to resolve the...
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