Once a while, I receive enquiries from users asking about some of the the basic WordPress related questions. I think it is good to write a post to put together questions for WordPress newbies here.
WordPress is the most popular web blog publishing software installed on the web server of the user. The open source software was released in 2003. It is written in PHP and makes use of MySQL database.
It is primarily noted for its broad features. WordPress is a user-friendly software that can be used by both the beginner and the advanced programmer. It comes with an interface that is loaded with features. Users can also choose from a wide range of templates for their WordPress themes. On top of these advanced features, users can also enhance the site using dialogs like password protection, user feedback and user registration.
WordPress comes in two forms: WordPress.com and WordPress.org. WordPress.com is the open source web blog publishing program. This means that the software is free to use and can be modified by users to suit their specific requirements and needs. However, these open source software present some limitation.
On the other hand, WordPress.org provides users with the software in order to create your blog, but will not provide you with hosting service. The user will have to hire the services of another provider to get a domain name to host your blog site online.
The advantage of WordPress.org over that of WordPress.com is that it provides customization and flexibility to its users.
WordPress.org is basically a free web publishing software where bloggers can install plugins and themes, modify the database, run adverts, and change the PHP code. Anyone can download the software but the users must have it installed on a server before it can be used. Bloggers will have to pay for the web server and it will be their responsibility to host their own WordPress.org blogging software.
This is where the difference lies. In WordPress,com, the blogger doesn’t have to do any software download, get the service of a hosting provider and manage your own web server.
The popularity of WordPress is to a large extent can be attributed to the simple and easy to follow installation process. One only needs a web server, the WordPress software and a MySQL database in order to get start using WordPress.
Here is the simple and quick 6-step to Install WordPress
Step #1
Download and extract WordPress. You can do this by visiting http://wordpress.org/download/.
Step #2
Set up the WordPress database including a MySQL user who will have the privileges in modifying and accessing it.
Step #3
Change the filename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php.
Step #4
Open the renamed file wp-config.php in your preferred text editor and provide the information required in the database field which are described in Editing wp-config.php to create and use your password key.
Step #5
Locate your file for WordPress in your preferred place on your web server. When doing this task, consider the following:
* If you prefer to integrate the blogging software into the domain root then you have to upload or move all the contents of the extracted directory of your WordPress into your web server root directory.
* If you intend to put your WordPress installation in its own web site subdirectory, then you have to rename the wordpress directory to the subdirectory name that you prefer and upload or move it to the web browser. For instance, if you prefer to have your WordPress installation on a subdirectory named as “blog”, then you have to change the name of the directory designated as ‘wordpress” into “blog,” and moveit to the web server root directory.
Step #6
Run the script of the WordPress installation by accessing wp-admin/install.php from your web browser. Here are the important things to consider when doing this task:
* If the WordPress is installed in the root directory, the user should go to: http://example.com/wp-admin/install.php
* If the WordPress is installed in its own subdirectory referred to as “blog,” the user should go to: http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/install.php
One you have done all these, you are all set to go.
You can find the WordPress theme installation here.
Majority of the hosting providers and installation in Linux/Unix systems are able to host WordPress under the most configurations.
Here are the server requirements for the various versions:
Server requirements for Version 2.9
* PHP 4.3 or greater
* Apache mod_rewrite module
* MySQL 4.1.2 or greater
Server requirements for Versions 2.5 to 2.8
* PHP 4.3 or greater
* MySQL 4.0 or greater
* Apache mod_rewrite module
Server requirements for Versions 2.1 to 2.3
* PHP 4.2 or greater
* MySQL 4.0 or greater
* Apache mod_rewrite module
Server requirements for version 2.0
* PHP 4.2 or greater
* MySQL 3.23.23 or greater
* Apache mod_rewrite module
when the first time i install wordpress into my hosting i use 2.7.1 but i can’t recognize which one i use wordpres.org or worpress.com but after i readed your article then i know i use wordpress.org..
thanks for the posting now i’m bookmarking yours for my next visit thanks a lot 🙂
This was cool to read, thanks.